Quote for the week: I put a quote on my TAFE email signature in my new 2010 role as a project manager for this VET Futures TQR staff capability project. I am not sure if that is a bit pretentious but it builds on my previous mantra to my Diploma of e-learning students over the last three years and perhaps sounds a bit more eloquent and motivates me each time I send off a message this month attempting to connect and clarify with all stakeholders the WIFM (What's in it for me). It is quite interesting to see the mind maps of all these stakeholders and networks.
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough we must do." - Goethe
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough we must do." - Goethe
February 2010 was designed as my TQR VET Futures Project PALM clarifying and connecting month. I have a notebook where I keep notes of everything that I am doing that I have to action and try but not very successfully to colour code/ using those multicolour pens and/or draw shapes to follow up so that in my meanderings and actions for this project things don't get lost.
So here is a bit of a summary so far of what I have been doing this month
- Clarify the project aims and outcomes - get copies of TQR submissions and skills stocktake 2009 for review and speak to VET Futures contacts in the DETA Product service unit.
- Consider synergies, connections with other Institute VET Futures 2010 funded projects across the TQR network and the wider TAFE Qld metropolitan sites.
- Develop a draft project management plan for the project
- Set up account codes and internal orders and liaise with TNQ finance department for support and reporting purposes
- Identify all relevant stakeholders - found bubbl.us a great tool for doing this
- Provide a weekly update to my manager who is based in Townsville identifying issues and support needed
- Get support and advice and assistance in communicating with relevant officers, managers and directors about this project and their needs from a variety of Institute contacts and via some simple email requests.
- Develop some marketing and information strategies. Information brochure developed and my.tafe TQR VET Futures project site page set up.
- Negotiated to have administrator access to TQR my.tafe site through DDG's office so pages can be updated by me and I can support regional Institutes in the set up of their Institute VET Futures webpages. TNQ draft page done this week.
- Negotiated with John Burns to develop a Project PALM logo and he has provided web page style sheet and header and email signature, free of charge.
- Attend TNQ faculty and Educational manager meetings to disseminate information and seed interest to staff and managers.
- Attend first communication corridor presentation via Videoconference across TQR
- Set up iConnect Moderator Community of Practice and held first meeting using iConnect. A schedule of monthly meetings for this iConnect Moderator CoP and for the VET Futures 2010 TQR project teams has now been set up for the semester. At this stage I will moderate these and then hand over to others
- Commenced researching, reviewing and adding useful links to add to my del.icio.us account for Project PALM specific activities
- Saved some useful readings to file for this Project PALM in relation to 21st Century learning
- Set up RSS feed for google reader to useful blogs for updates and focused on the three core Project priority areas. This now means that in 2010 my new email address is less cluttered and cleared each day, much better management and neater!
- Sourced some images and added to this blogger site
Here is a cut and paste of the web page in the TQR my.tafe website that describes what this project is all about.
A 2010 Semester 1, TAFE Queensland Regional (TQR)Teacher professional development program -
What is this project?
The Department of Education and Training in conjunction with Product services -VET Futures Unit has provided professional development funds to support TAFE Queensland Institutes in enhancing the capability of their staff aligned with the Queensland VET PD Strategy 2007-2010. Project PALM is just one of more than 20 projects being funded across TAFE Queensland in semester 1,2010. Project PALM, is unique because it is focused on developing collaborative action learning projects across TAFE Queensland Regional (TQR) Institutes. An information flyer has been produced for this project and can be accessed here.
Who is involved?
The project manager is Colleen Hodgins and she will be working across TQR Institutes with a variety of managers, facilitators, teachers and support personnel to identify teachers who are ready to renew and reinvigorate some aspect of their teaching practice and co-operatively connect and communicate with regional colleagues in this process . Teachers involved in Project PALM this semester, will be those who identify a need for professional development against a specific action plan and have the support of their manager. The action planning process is a discussion between you, your manager and this Project PALM team who will provide the one page template for you to complete . The core priorities for this professional development program this semester are:
Instructional design
So .....If you are interested and want to know more stay tuned to this page for future updates and activities or contact me directly if you would like to know more. Colleen.hodgins@deta.qld.gov.au or mobile 0419740583.